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The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) was established on July 1, 2007. CDPH employs approximately 3,500 people in over 60 locations around the State and administers a budget of over $3 billion. Establishing the Department has afforded the programs an opportunity to come together under the mission of optimizing the health and well-being of the people in California.
The Department is the lead entity in California providing core public health functions and essential services.
The Orange County Water District (OCWD) was formed in 1933 by a special act of the California State Legislature to protect Orange County’s rights to water in the Santa Ana River. OCWD’s primary responsibility is managing the vast groundwater basin under northern and central Orange County that supplies water to more than 20 cities and water agencies, serving more than 2.3 million Orange County residents. Since 1933, OCWD has replenished and maintained the groundwater basin at safe levels while more than doubling the basin’s annual yield. This important source of water provides local groundwater producers with a reliable supply of high-quality water.
OCWD primarily recharges the basin with water from the Santa Ana River and, to a lesser extent, with imported water purchased from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. OCWD currently holds rights to all Santa Ana River flows reaching Prado Dam. Water enters the groundwater basin via settling or percolation ponds in the cities of Anaheim and Orange. Behind Prado Dam (constructed and owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for flood prevention), OCWD owns 2,400 acres in Riverside County, which the District uses for water conservation, water quality improvement and environmental enhancement.
Incorporated in 1990, California Rural Water Association (CRWA) has emerged as the State’s leading association dedicated to providing on-site technical assistance and specialized training for rural water and wastewater systems. Tapping into the expertise of experienced water and wastewater professionals, CRWA’s governing Board of Directors, administrative staff, and technical field specialists work in concert to offer CRWA members an expansive range of essential programs and member services.
Whether a system needs help developing a new rate schedule, setting up proper testing methods, understanding those ever-changing and complex government regulations, preparing a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), or updating operator certification requirements, California Rural Water Association is ready with assistance.
RCAP’s programs help communities that are seeking to build, maintain or expand their water and wastewater infrastructure. They provide: on-site, customized technical assistance; customized training in the financial, managerial and operational areas of water and wastewater systems; educational resources: guides for communities, a magazine, a newsletter, a website; financial resources
Every year, 140 RCAP specialists based in the field provide assistance to more than 2,000 communities in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The staff includes registered professional engineers, certified operators, utility finance and board-management specialists, community planners, and experts with other relevant backgrounds. Most of the communities we assist are economically disadvantaged and have populations under 2,500, and many have significant minority populations.
Main page for EPA water topics and news.