Site Map
- Why does my water appear milky or cloudy?
- Should I buy a water softener?
- What causes the spots on my dishes?
- Should I buy a home filtration unit?
- What should I do if my coffee has an oily appearance?
- What causes odor in the hot water?
- What causes some water to be discolored?
- Is bottled water higher quality than tap water?
- Why do EWA employees open fire hydrants?
- Why does water need to be disinfected?
- Why does my water have a chlorine taste (or smell)?
- Why is there dirt or sand in my water?
- Why does the taste of my water change throughout the year?
- Who should I call in case of a water emergency, such as a water line break or broken fire hydrant?
- Is EWA responsible for plumbing leaks?
- How do I turn off the water supply to my house in the event of a break in my plumbing or a repair?
- How do I discontinue or transfer my water service?
- How do I check for household leaks?
- What steps can I take to use water wisely?